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The Philippine Statistics Authority Region 7 (PSA 7) conducted the Regional Data Dissemination Forum on the results of the 2020 Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry (ASPBI) and 2020 Census of Population and Housing (CPH) Other Indicators on 09 December 2022 at Golden Valley Hotel, Cebu City. The ASPBI forum provided information on the current levels, structure, performance, and trends of the economic activities of the formal sector of the economy with the presentation of the national/regional highlights of the 2020 ASPBI results. It was also an avenue to give due recognition to the responding establishments in the conduct of ASPBI. Meanwhile, the 2020 CPH forum provides the government planners, policymakers, and administrators with population and housing data on which to base their social and economic development plans, policies, and programs.

PSA 7 Chief Statistical Specialist Engr. Leopoldo P. Alfanta, Jr. announced that in 2020, there was a total of 20,726 establishments in the formal sector of the economy in Central Visayas. This number is lower by -21.3 percent than the 26,333 estimated number of establishments in 2019.

Furthermore, CSS Alfanta mentioned that Central Visayas exhibited the same characteristics with the Services sector posting the highest number of establishments at 18,041 or 87.0 percent of the total establishments in 2020.  Industry sector ranked second with 2,499 establishments or 12.1 percent of the total.  On the other hand, Agriculture sector recorded the least number of establishments of 186 or 0.9 percent of the total.

Among the sectors, Wholesale and Retail Trade; Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles led in terms of number of establishments with 7,261 or 35.0 percent share to the total. Financial and Insurance Activities placed second with 3,690 establishments or 17.8 percent. Accommodation and Food Service Activities ranked third with 2,714 establishments or 13.1 percent of the total.

In summary, CSS Alfanta said that Agriculture registered the only increase in the following indicators: number of establishments, total revenue, and total expense. Industry sector posted the only decline in the average annual compensation per paid employee in 2020. On the other hand, services sector recorded the highest declines in terms of the following variables: number of establishments, total employment, total compensation, total revenue, total expense, and sales from e-commerce transactions.

During the afternoon session of the forum, PSA 7 Regional Director, Engr. Ariel E. Florendo announced that with the 8,081,988 total population of Central Visayas, the household population comprised 99.6 percent or 8.05 Million (or 8,046,285 persons in 2020. This is 2.04 million higher than the 6.01 Million (or 6,008,987) household population in 2015. Among the provinces and HUCs of the region, the province of Cebu had the biggest household population in 2020 with 3.31 Million (or 3,309,850)  persons. This comprises 41.1 percent of the total household population of Central Visayas. The average household size (AHS) of the region decreased from 4.3 persons in 2015 to 4.1 persons in 2020. Only the province of Bohol posted an Average Household Size (AHS) higher than the regional AHS of 4.1 persons.

Furthermore, as of 01 May 2020, the institutional population reached 35,703 persons, or 0.4 percent of the region’s total population of 8,081,988 persons. This figure is 1,295 persons lower than the 36,998 institutional population posted in 2015.

Other indicators such as urban population, age and sex distribution, birth registration, and functional difficulty: for household population five years old and over were also announced by RD Florendo.

On the other hand, POPDEV 7, Population Program Officer IV, Ms. Darlynn S. Remolino mentioned that Central Visayas population growth slightly outpaces at 1.8 percent that of the national population growth rate at 1.6 percent. At the household level, the region shows a decline of average household size which similarly reflects the trend of declining total fertility rate, she further added. Furthermore, she said that the increasing trend of urbanization as shown in the increase of barangays that are urbanized follows that of the increase of institutional population and school-age, working age and youth population that are notably predominantly male.

NEDA 7, OIC-Chief, Development Research Division, Arch. Neil Andrew U. Menjares said that population across the region continue to increase from 2015 to 2020. Aside from providing more economic opportunities, higher population also requires more provision for social services, infrastructure, and affordable housing. On the institutional population, we observed the general decrease, he said. On the other hand, the increase in the number of the Institutional Living Quarters is due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

He further mentioned that the government strategies are aligned to the 2023-2028 Philippine Development Plan with the medium-term goal of economic transformation, prosperous, inclusive, and resilient society. As our country aims to develop and protect the capabilities of families and individuals, let us work to establish a liveable community that is accessible, barrier free, and with social protection in place. Let us work for the health sector especially the seniors, he further added.

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