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Number of constructions

1. Number of constructions declines in 2020

The total number of constructions from approved building permits of Central Visayas for the year 2020 was recorded at 13,499. This number is lower by 31.9 percent from the 19,828 constructions recorded in 2019. (Table A)

2. Residentials had the highest number of constructions

By type of construction, residential had the highest number at 8,640 or 64.0 percent of the total number of constructions. Meanwhile, the number of residential constructions posted a 43.7 percent decline from the 15,351 residential constructions reported in 2019.

Majority or 93.9 percent of the total residential construction were single-type houses. Construction of residential condominiums posted the least share of 0.01 percent to the total residential construction. (Figure 1)

The total number of non-residential constructions reached 1,817 which accounted
13.5 percent of the total construction. This was a drop of 40.1 percent from the 3,032
non-residential constructions recorded in 2019. Among the types of non-residential construction, commercial building contributed the highest share of 68.9 percent. 
(Tables A and 1, and Figure 1)


Additions, which refers to any construction that increases the height or area of an existing building, and alteration and repair of existing structures had shares of
0.1 percent and 22.4 percent to the total constructions in 2020. Compared with their respective annual growth rates in 2020, addition to existing structures declined by
83.5 percent, while alteration and repair posted an increase of 128.2 percent.
(Tables A and 1)


3. Number of constructions was highest in Bohol

Of the total constructions in Central Visayas, Bohol ranked first with 6,602 constructions or (48.9%) followed by Cebu with 4,888 constructions (36.2%),
Negros Oriental with 1,703 constructions (12.6%) and Siquijor with 306 constructions (2.3%). (Figure 2)


Value of Constructions

  1. Total value of construction drops in 2020

In 2020, the total value of construction amounted to PHP19.9 billion. This value dropped by 62.0 percent from the PHP52.3 billion in 2019. (Table A and 1)


  1. Residential and Non-Residential each accounted for majority of the entire value of constructions

Residential building construction, valued at PhP9.2 billion, accounted for 46.4 percent of the total value. This showed a decrease of 47.4 percent from the PhP17.5 billion construction value posted in 2019. (Tables A and 1, and Figure 3)


Construction value of non-residential buildings amounted to PhP10.0 billion or 50.4 percent of the total value. This reflects a 68.1 percent declined from the PhP31.4 billion value of construction of the previous year.

Moreover, construction value of addition to existing structures, which amounted to PhP0.5 billion (0.3%), decreased by 94.2 percent from the PhP0.9 billion in 2019. Similarly, combined construction of alteration and repair of existing structures at PhP0.6 billion (3.0%), decreased by 76.4 percent from the PHP2.5 billion construction value recorded in the previous year. (Table 1)


Of the PhP19.9 billion value of construction in Central Visayas, the following contributions of the provinces were: (Figure 4)


  • Cebu, PhP11.0 billion (55.1%)
  • Bohol, PhP6.7 billion (33.8%)
  • Negros Oriental, PhP1.7 billion (8.4%)
  • Siquijor PhP0.5 billion (2.6%)

Floor Area

  1. Reported total floor area of constructions declines

The reported total floor area of constructions in 2020 was recorded at 1.96 million square meters. This indicates a downturn of -58.4 percent in 2020 as compared to the
15.4 percent increase recorded in 2019 which is at 4.7 million square meters.
(Table A)


  1. Non-Residential accounted for more than half of the regions’ total floor area of constructions

Non-residential recorded 1.0 million square meter or 51.8 percent of the total floor area of constructions. This exhibits a downturn of -64.8 percent compared with the previous year’s annual growth of 59.5 percent.

Average Cost per Square Meter

  1. Average cost of construction contracted

The total average cost of per square meter of construction in 2020 was PhP10,172.  It declined to 8.6 percent from the PhP11,126 average cost per square meter reported in 2019.

  1. Residential construction decelerates

Residential building constructions for the year 2020 had an average cost of PhP9,822 per square meter. The average cost per square meter showed a decrease of
0.8 percent from the average cost of PhP9,898 per square meter in 2019.
(Figure 5 and Table 1)


  1. Residential condominiums were the most expensive among types of residential construction

Among residential constructions, residential condominiums posted the highest average cost of PhP26,930 per square meter. This type of residential construction had an average floor area of 7,494 square meters per building.

  1. Non-residential construction had the highest average cost of constructions

Non-residential building constructions had an average cost of PhP9,898 per square meter. The average cost was 9.4 percent lower than the PhP10,930 average cost per square meter registered 2019.  (Figure 5 and Table 1)


Institutional-type building construction reported the highest average cost of PhP14,367 per square meter. Meanwhile, Agricultural-type building construction recorded the lowest average cost of PhP3,629 per square meter.


Approved by:

Regional Director

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