Requesting the DAC to Endorse to the Regional Development Council (RDC) the Request to Enjoin the Local Government Units to Adopt in their respective System the 2019 Updated to the 2009 PSIC and to Use the Unified Form with the Incorporation of PSIC
Requesting All Regional Line Agencies (RLAs) Local Government Units (LGUs) and the Private Sector to Provide the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) with the Data Needed for the Estimation of the 2021-2023 Provincial Product Accounts
Requesting All RLAs, LGUs and the Private Sector to Provide the PSA-Regional Statistical Services Office 7 (PSA RSSO 7) with the Data Needed for the Estimation of the 2021-2023 Gross Regional Domestic Product and Gross Regional Domestic Expenditure
Commending The Members of the Central Visayas Regional Statistics Committee for Actively Participating and Having Complete Attendance during the Quarterly Meetings for Calendar Year 2023
Enjoining All Regional Line Agencies (RLAs) and Local Government Units (LGUs) to provide support and assistance for the conduct of the 2022 census of agriculture and fisheries
Requesting All RLAs, LGUs and The Private Sector through the Chambers of commerce to provide the PSA - Regional Statistical Service Office 7 with the data needed for the Estimation of the 2018-2022 Subnational Tourism Satellite Accounts
Requesting All RLAs, LGUs and the Private Sector through the Chambers of Commerce to provide the PSA-Regional Statistical Services Office 7 with the Data Needed in the Estimation of the 2020-2022 Provincial Product Accounts (PPA)
Requesting All RLAs, LGUs and the Private Sector through the Chambers of Commerce to provide the PSA - Regional Statistical Service Office 7 with the Data Needed for the Estimation of the 2020-2022 GRDP and GRDE