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The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) is set to release the 2020 Regional Accounts of the Philippines on 29 April 2021 (Thursday) at 10:00 AM through a simultaneous virtual press conference for all the different PSA Regional Statistical Services Offices. As part of the preparation, Central Visayas together with other sixteen (16) Regions participated in the 2020 Regional Accounts of the Philippines (RAP): Virtual Compilation and Finalization Workshop on 12 to 16 and 19 to 23 April 2021. Present during the said workshop were Chief Statistical Specialist (CSS) of Statistical Operations and Coordination Division (SOCD), Supervising Statistical Specialist, two (2) Technical Support Staff, and two (2) Provincial Product Accounts (PPA) COSWs.

Usec. Claire Dennis S. Mapa, National Statistician and Civil Registrar General of PSA, shared in his message the importance of regional account statistics especially to the economic planners, policy makers and stakeholders in the formulation of regional development plans, setting-up priority programs and activities, establishing and reassessing targets in the local regional level. He also added that this will serve as basis in the institutionalization of the generation of Provincial Product Accounts (PPA). Usec. Mapa thanked everyone for allotting their time, effort and full cooperation especially in the provision of data requirements which is very important, coordination with stakeholders for the data and for the continuous support in the annual compilation of the Regional Accounts.

The objectives of the workshop are the following: 1.) Estimate, deliberate and present the preliminary estimates of the 2020 RAP; 2.) Finalize the 2020 Regional Accounts tables and corresponding regional highlights and presentations; 3.) Document the discussions and analyses on the preliminary estimates; 4.) Present to the National Statistician the estimates of 2020 Regional Accounts; and 5.) Prepare relevant materials in preparation for the conduct of the regional news conference.

The first week was focused on the compilation workshop. Central Visayas was assigned to compile and estimate the Wholesale and Retail Trade; Repair of Motor vehicles and Motorcycles (TRD) for Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) and Export of Services (EOS) for Gross Regional Domestic Expenditure (GRDE). Bilateral discussions between the Industry Specialist/Expenditure Item Specialist and the Regional Technical Staff were done through breakout rooms. Status updating was initiated before and after each breakout session to monitor the status on a daily basis and address issues and concerns right away. The second week was spent in finalizing the estimates of the industries and presentation of highlights of 2018-2020 RAP by the Regional Directors to the National Statistician. Usec. Mapa gave comments and recommendations to help improve the presentation during the press conference on 29 April 2021.    

Amidst Covid-19 pandemic, the compilation and finalization of 2020 RAP was a success. This workshop was conducted to capacitate all regional staff and ensure the quality of statistics that will be produced. PSA RSSO VII is hopeful for a successful press conference not just in the region but in all regions of the Philippines.


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