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Functions of the Offices

Functions of the Offices

As National Statistician

  1. Directs and supervises the general administration of the PSA;
  2. Prescribes rules and regulations, instructions, schedule and form of business of the PSA in the collection, compilation and dissemination of statistics and other information and in the conduct of any census;
  3. Acts as ex-officio Chairperson of the PSA Board Secretariat;
  4. Directs and manages the implementation and execution of policies, standards, rules and regulations formulated by the PSA Board;
  5. Issues appointments of PSA personnel below the rank of a Director;
  6. Represents PSA as signatory to all contracts, researches and other awards;
  7. Represents the Philippines in regional and international conferences and meetings as the country's highest authority with respect to statistical matters;
  8. Submits report to the President of the Republic of the Philippines through the NEDA Director-General on the activities of the PSA. Such report shall also be submitted separately in the annual report to Congress during the presentation of the President's budget, and; performs such other functions as may be assigned by the PSA Board.

As Civil Registrar General

Provides overall-direction in the implementation of the Civil Registry Law and related issuances and exercises technical supervision over all civil registrars

  1. Issues all policies, instructions and standards on civil registration;
  2. Decides on petitions of administrative corrections in the civil registry pursuant to R.A. 9048 and its IRR; pursuant to Administrative Order No. 1, series of 2001 and R.A. 10172 and its IRR; pursuant to Administrative Order No. 1, series of 2012;
  3. Acts on policy matters involving the registration of solemnizing officers pursuant to Article 7 of EO 209, the Family Code of the Philippines and its IRR pursuant to Administrative Order No. 1, series of 2008;
  4. Coordinates with the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) and Philippine consular offices on issues concerning civil registration of events occurring to Filipinos abroad and all civil registration issues of Filipinos abroad;
  5. Coordinates with the Office of the Supreme Court Administrator on concerns involving civil registration of Muslim Filipinos as provided for under EO 157 and PD 1083 and its IRR pursuant to Administrative Order No. 1, series of 2005;
  6. Coordinates with the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP) on the civil registration of indigenous peoples as provided for under Rule VI, Section 8 of R.A. 8371 and its IRR pursuant to Administrative Order No. 3, series of 2004;
  7. Coordinates with the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) on the civil registration of children in need of special protection, and;
  8. Delegates inspection and visitorial functions over the civil registrars to the Regional Directors and Provincial Statistics Officers.

Support Units

1. Legal Service

It shall be responsible for providing legal services and advice to the PSA. These matters include legal advice and guidance; prosecution of cases in courts and litigation management; documentation preparation and drafting; and complying documentation with local/international agreements and legislation. Likewise, it shall be responsible in liaising with both Houses of Congress on legislative matters affecting the PSS and CRVSS; assist legislators in facilitating their requests for technical assistance on statistics and civil registration matters; and coordinating commitments of the PSA with the other government agencies in the PSS, GOCCs, academe and the private sector.

2. Statistical Methodology Unit

It shall be responsible for the development of statistical frames for all censuses and surveys and administrative-based reports. Likewise, it shall be responsible for research undertakings in coordination with PSRTI, on the development and improvement of sampling designs, methodologies, economic indices and other indicators estimation and data collection process to enhance the quality of statistics.

3. International Cooperation Unit

It shall be responsible for organizing and managing the application for international cooperation projects and coordinating commitments of the PSA with the UN, ASEAN, and other international bodies and development partners.  Likewise, it shall be responsible in formulating policies concerning international cooperation in statistics and civil registration.

4. Planning and Management Service

It shall be responsible in coordinating and supporting corporate planning and management activities in line with the PSA's strategic objectives.  Correspondingly, it shall provide advice and assistance to the different units of the PSA and ensuring robust links with the corporate planning process.

Likewise, it shall be responsible in programming and coordinating the regular and special meetings of the PSA Board as well as managing and maintaining all decisions, policies, pronouncements, issuances, and records of the PSA Board.

5. Internal Audit Division

It shall be responsible for establishing internal control systems and procedures; enhancement of individual and unit accountabilities of established systems and procedures; determining cost effectiveness and value for money of major investments and expenditures, and efficiency of operations of the PSA.

Sectoral Statistics Office

  1. Provides technical staff support to the PSA in the areas of agriculture, natural resources, agrarian reform, mining and quarrying, manufacturing, electricity, gas and water, energy, construction, foreign and domestic trade, services, science and technology, finance, investment, population, women and gender, health, nutrition, education, labor and employment, social welfare, governance, public order and justice.
  2. Provides technical staff support to the PSA in generating the national accounts and the development, and maintenance of economic and social accounts.
  3. Plans and conducts surveys as may be required, in accordance with the approved statistical calendar.
  4. Performs such other tasks as may be assigned by the National Statistician.

       Macroeconomic Accounts Services

It shall be responsible for the development and maintenance of national accounts, regional accounts, satellite accounts, input/output tables and other related macroeconomic accounts.

       Economic Sector Statistics Services

It shall be responsible for the production of primary data on agriculture, industry, trade, services, environment and natural resources, prices and other related economic statistics.

      Social Sector Statistics Services

It shall be responsible for the production of primary data on labor and employment, population, women and gender, health and welfare, education, science and technology, housing and urbanization, emerging concerns and other related social statistics.


Censuses and Technical Coordination Office

  1. Prepares, conducts, processes and disseminates census results in accordance with the approved statistical calendar.
  2. Maintains and develops statistical standards and classification systems.
  3. Provides technical assistance to other concerned government offices to meet their statistical requirements for policy-making, planning and programming.
  4. Coordinates the activities of the Regional Statistical Services.
  5. Provides information technology systems and programming, and IT operations support for the PSA projects.
  6. Provides other PSA offices with cartographic services.
  7. Maintains archives and communication and information services of PSA generated data.
  8. Provides the data center for statistics and civil registration.
  9. Performs such other tasks as maybe assigned by the National Statistician.

       National Censuses Services

It shall be responsible for the planning and production of data from censuses on population and housing, agriculture, fisheries and economic activities; and development and maintenance of sampling frames and geographic information on population and housing, agriculture, fisheries and economic activities.

       Standards Services

It shall be responsible for the formulation and monitoring of statistical development programs, formulation of standards and classification, including glossary of statistical terms and geographic classification.

        Information Technology (IT) and Dissemination Services

 It shall be responsible for the development and maintenance of IT systems and programs, IT operations, statistical data archives, communication and information services.

 Civil Registration and Central Support Office

  1. Provides technical and support services to the various units of the PSA in the areas of administrative services, financial management services and human resource management.
  2. Provides technical and support services for the efficient functioning of civil registration system and perform such other tasks as may be assigned by the National Statistician.

         Civil Registration Services

It shall be responsible for the civil registry document management and archiving, policy advocacy and research on civil registration matters, court decrees and legal instruments affecting civil registry documents, administrative correction of civil registry documents, outlet and customer services and other civil registration concerns.

Central Support Services

It shall be responsible for the general administration, financial services, human resource management, human resource development, and procurement.




 Field Statistical Services Office

Regional Statistical Services Office (RSSO) and Provincial Statistical Office (PSO)

  1. Provides technical staff support to the PSA.
  2. Provides technical assistance as may be required by the implementing agencies and local governments in the regions and provinces.
  3. Performs such other tasks as may be assigned by the National Statistician.

      Statistical Operations and Coordination Division (SOCD)

  • It shall be responsible in the statistical, technical and ICT operations as well as coordination of the different field activities of the RSSO/PSO.
  • It shall be responsible in all statistical coordination and development activities in the region.

       Civil Registration and Administrative Support Division (CRASD)

  • It shall be responsible for the civil registration and vital statistics services and coordinating activities in the region.
  • It shall be responsible in the operation of the Civil Registration System (CRS) outlets in the region, including customer services and other civil registration concerns.
  • It shall be responsible for the general administration, financial services, human resource management, human resource development and procurement activities of the RSSO/PSO.