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Death Statistics in Central Visayas, 2022

Registered Death by Place of Occurrence At a national level, a total of 679,766 registered deaths were recorded in 2022. Central Visayas reported 56,382 deaths or 8.3 percent, constituting a…

Death Statistics in Central Visayas, 2022 Preliminary Result (January to August)

In Central Visayas, a total number of 30,000 death were registered in 2022 for the month January to August. Cebu Province contributed the highest number of registered deaths with 10,538 or 35.1…

Statistics on Maternal and Infant Deaths in Central Visayas, 2020 Final Results

At national level, 16,885 infant deaths and 1,975 maternal deaths were registered which contributed to about 2.8 percent and 0.3 percent of the total registered deaths in the Philippines,…