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At Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) statistical world, one can arrive to best quality data if both sampling and non-sampling errors are clearly monitored and managed.

At our level in the field office, we are most responsible in dealing with non-sample errors and their control efforts. Methodology and design that dictate sample errors are taken care of at the central office with our statistics guru and consultants.

What is our understanding with these terminologies? Non-sample errors are largely attributed to the quality of training we conduct, correct implementation processes of enumeration, supervision effectiveness, manual and machine data checks. On the other hand, sampling errors are results from the reasonableness of the sample size.

And how do we manage at our level non-sampling errors in the conduct of surveys and censuses? Some strategies and positive points are adopted with a high level of confidence making sure quality is preserved with utmost security.

The following are the top 10 Best Practices in Bohol Province:

1. It all starts from recruitment; we institutionalize examinations especially for big projects and of course personal interviews so that screening of deserving field interviewers are tapped.

2. Improving the strategies in conduct of trainings, though we have not perfected this, yet they say “garbage in, garbage out”. I always believe that near perfect quality trainings produce best results. Ideal innovation introduced by RD Florendo, is indicating High, Medium, Low to show one’s level of understanding in all topics in the manual.

3. Supervision is another factor that must be followed religiously and crucial point is on the first ten days of the operation. The initiative of group-editing with Statistical Specialist Colita Montoya has been replicated with other teams such that errors will be connected in the early phases of enumeration.

4. With the advent of new technology, millennials adapt to these text brigades relaying the updates or good practices of one individual/group. Facebook groups and pages are also created specifically to share varied experiences and candid moments in the field work.

5. Another best practice is that we have popularly known it as “Provincial Data Review”. This caters interactions and intelligent sharing of the raw data validations before submitting to Regional/Central office. Information from Agricultural Promotion Center (APC), Office of the Provincial Agriculture and Fisheries (OPA) and Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) are also used to finalize data reviews.

6. Inputs gathered from Damage Assessment Reports, again is a helpful tool in the counter-checking of the data gathered from the field. We usually send key persons to visit strategic areas to verify the situation and record events and systems introduced by LGUs.

7. Proven and tested phases of manual and machine processing are top in the list in terms of quality checks. This is where inconsistencies on coding of variables are cross matched, reject listing are used to validate data and unacceptable values are verified in the field.

8. In establishment-based activities, respondents’ forum is one effective way to gain full support from our respondents. In so far at Bohol province, annually we gather our sample respondents for a day sharing to them the objectives and importance of the undertaking and give updates on the latest results as well.

9. Adoption of Census Compliance Project (CCP). This compels hard-headed respondents, and with our partnership with the Bohol Prosecutors Office, we gained the full support from them and eventually submit the questionnaires to the office.

10. With the Bohol PIA headed by Sir Rey Chiu, our advocacy and info drive in all activities reached all Boholanos. Through Kapihan sa PIA radio program that is aired live at DYTR, we exchange ideas and updates on the importance of the survey or census the office conducts. Through our Information officer, Statistical Specialist Emanuel Galab, press releases highlight the advocacy and equally important milestones. This is in partnership with Bohol Chronicle, our local newspaper.

All of these little efforts rolled into one, did great jobs in realizing reliable and timely statistics, with utmost control and management of non-sampling errors.

Kudos to all of us and keep it up! 

How We Manage and Control Non-Sampling Errors

At Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) statistical world, one can arrive to best quality data if both sampling and non-sampling errors are clearly monitored and managed.