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The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) shall primarily be responsible for all national censuses and surveys, sectoral statistics consolidation of selected administrative recording systems and compilations of national accounts. It shall serve as the central statistical authority of the Philippine government on primary data collection and to prepare and conduct statistical sample surveys on all aspects of socioeconomic life including agriculture, industry trade, finance, prices and marketing information, income and expenditure, education, health, culture, and social situations for the use of the government and the public. It is also responsible in coordinating with government departments and local government units (LGUs) on the promotion and adoption of statistical standards involving techniques, methodologies, concepts, definitions and classifications, and on the avoidance of duplication in the collection of statistical information. These responsibilities of the PSA strengthen coordination and partnerships with other government agencies and even with the private sector.

With this coordination and partnership, the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) the primary policy-making, programming, coordinating and administrative entity of the Executive Branch of the government in the field of labor and employment and assumes the primary responsibility of promoting gainful employment opportunities and optimizing the development and utilization of the country’s manpower resources; advancing workers’ welfare by providing for just and humane working conditions and terms of employment; and maintaining industrial peace by promoting harmonious, equitable, and stable employment relations that assure equal protection for the rights of all concerned parties. It is also responsible in monitoring the workers basic rights including the monitoring thereof. In its monitoring DOLE gathers data specifically on the age of workers in the country. Thus, the agency conducts its Child Labor Profiling by doing a house-to-house visit to all households nationwide to gather and generate information on the Child Labor situation of the country.

In region 7, the Department of Labor and Employment conducted its orientation of its Community Facilitators, Enumerators and Encoders on Child Labor Profiling last 2 – 3 August 2019 at St. Mark’s Hotel, Cebu City. They invited the PSA RSSO 7 as resource speakers for the two-day orientation. PSA personnel headed by Chief Statistical Specialist Leopoldo P. Alfanta, Jr. together with Statistical Specialist II Joseph Jim D. Abadingo took their part in imparting with the DOLE field personnel especially on the methodologies in conducting proper interview with the different household respondents. They also shared that it is very important in all government activities to have a proper coordination with the authorities be it in the LGUs or with the Philippine National Police and Armed Forces of the Philippines and other Law Enforcement Authorities to ensure a harmonious and successful survey or census undertaking. The two personnel also shared their actual experiences as field workers in conducting surveys and censuses with the former National Statistics Office (NSO) and now with the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA).

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PSA 7 on the Orientation of Community Facilitators, Enumerators and Encoders on Child Labor Profiling

The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) shall primarily be responsible for all national censuses and surveys, sectoral statistics consolidation of selected administrative recording systems and…