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PSA 7 conducts the 2nd Level Training for 2018 July LFS with 2018 FIES - 1st Visit

Release Date:
Reference Number: 2018-NA07-012

The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) Region VII conducted a six-day Second Level Training on the 2018 July Labor Force Survey (LFS) with Family Income and Expenditure Survey (FIES) last 18-23 June 2018 at One Central Hotel in Cebu City. The LFS aims to provide a quantitative framework for the preparation of plans and formulation of policies affecting the labor market. While the FIES aims to gather data on family income, sources of income, family expenditure and related information affecting family income and expenditure levels and patterns in the Philippines; to determine the income distribution, levels of living and spending patterns, and the degree of inequality among families; to provide benchmark information to update the weights used in the estimation of Consumer Price Index (CPI); and to provide inputs in the estimation of the poverty threshold and incidence of the country.

The 2018 July FIES is the first survey of its kind to generate a provincial and Highly Urbanized City (HUC) level of poverty data. This is to help the planners and policy makers to effectively plan-out and implement projects and programs of the government down to the provincial level across the country.

Present during the Second Level Training were the different Provincial Focal Persons (PFPs) of the four (4) provinces in the region as well as the Regional Staff who will take part of the operation. Thus, PSA is asking the full-support of the public for the success of the survey and at the same time assures them of the confidentiality of the information provided by the respondents as stated under Sec. 26 of RA 10625 and RA 10173.

Approved by:


Regional Director

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