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As part of the rolling scheme map updating of the PSA, the office conducted the last phase of the activity which is the 2019 Integrated Census Map Updating. This is aimed to come up with updated EA maps and an updated EA Reference File for the 2020 Census of Population and Housing (CPH). For this, one Map Data Reviewer (MDR), seven Map Data Processors (MDP) and eight Map Data Verifiers (MDV) were hired. The hired personnel attended a training at One Central Hotel, Cebu City on 08-20 July 2019 together with SA Venus P. Gloria, SS II Emmanuel B. Galab   and SS II Fidel R. Antopina Jr. as supervisors.

This last phase involved three activities. First was the processing of the geotagged points from the three rounds of Geotagging. The second was the field validation of barangay boundaries, EA delineation and merging. The last one was the processing of the validated areas.

After the training, the hired MDPs started the processing of geotagged points and preparation of project files for the field validation. Then on the first day of August, the MDVs began with their field work. For Bohol, 357 EAs were subject for delineation while four were for merging.

The operation lasted for four months. A total of 483,553 tagged buildings were processed and 638 EA boundary updates verified for the whole province.

Minor problems were encountered such as boundary disputes, technical problems in the tablet and the computers, and lack of storage drive for backups. 

2019 Integrated Census Map Updating

As part of the rolling scheme map updating of the PSA, the office conducted the last phase of the activity which is the 2019 Integrated Census Map Updating. This is aimed to come up with updated EA…