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With majority of the population of Negros Oriental already registered to the Philippine Identification System (PhilSys), the Provincial Statistical Office (PSO) is receiving more and more inquiries concerning the delivery status of their PhilID cards. The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) acknowledges that while the focus is to register all citizens to PhilSys, it is of equal importance that those who are already registered received their PhilIDs.

Hence, the PSA in partnership with the Philippine Postal Corporation (PhlPost) exerts all efforts to ensure that all PhilIDs are delivered to card owners. For those who are interested to know the status of the delivery of their PhilID card, it can be tracked by following the easy steps below:

    1. Connect to the internet and open your website browser;
    2. Open this link:;
    3. Enter the 29-digit Transaction Reference Number (TRN) found in the Transaction Slip issued after successful Philsys registration;
    4. Click the “Track” icon.

If the result is “Not Found,” the PhilID card is still on the production process and not yet handed over to PhlPost for delivery. Also, to those who lost their TRNs, please visit the nearest PhilSys registration center for assistance in the retrieval of your TRN.

While the production and delivery of plastic PhilID cards are ongoing, PhilSys registration centers in Negros Oriental also issue the printable ePhilID in order for PhilSys registrants to immediately enjoy the benefits of PhilSys.

For any inquiries and clarifications in relation to this announcement, you can contact PSA-Negros Oriental through this number, (035) 422-4372 or send us an email in this email address, . You can also check our official facebook pages, PSAPhilSysOfficial and PSANegrosOriental, for recent updates and advisories regarding PhilSys.

Chief Statistical Specialist

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PDF 2024-PR46-009 1.93 MB

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