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Negros Oriental Vital Events First Quarter 2021

Negros Oriental ranked second in Region VII in the number of registered births

Negros Oriental ranked second in Region VII in the total number of live births by usual residence of the mother during the first quarter of 2021. There were 4,229 registered live births in the Negros Oriental from January to March which translated to 18.6 percent to the total registered live births of Central Visayas during the reference quarter (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Total Number of Registered Births in Central Visayas, by Province, First Quarter 2021.

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Vital Statistics

Lesser Registered Live Births

The preliminary counts of the number of registered live births by usual residence of mother during the period dropped by 913 births or -17.8 percent from 5,142 record in 2020. The month of February with 1,236 registered births, had the lowest registration for the quarter (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Total Number of Births in Negros Oriental, by Month:

First Quarter 2021.

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Vital Statistics

Highest Occurrence of Births in Dumaguete City

Most live births in Negros Oriental, at 9.0 percent (381 births) were registered in the City of Bayawan. This was followed by Dumaguete City at 8.3 percent (350 births), City of Guihulngan at 7.7 percent (324 births), Mabinay at 6.7 percent (283 births), and Siaton at 6.1 percent (256 births). Birth registrations from these five areas comprised around 37.7 percent of the total birth registration in the province during the quarter (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Top Five Cities/Municipality with Most Registered Live Births in Negros Oriental: First Quarter 2021.

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Vital Statistics

47 births per day

On the average, there were 47 babies born daily or about two babies born per hour during the first quarter of 2021. Out of the 25 cities and municipalities in the province, only the birth registrations in the municipalities of La Libertad and San Jose recorded an increase of 4 births and 18 births, respectively as compared with the same quarter of the previous year. Amlan registered the fewest births with 68 registrations during the quarter (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Number of Registered Live Births by Usual Residence of Mother,

by Place of Occurence: First Quarter 2020 and 2021.

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Vital Statistics

Twenty eight deaths per day

Negros Oriental ranked second in Central Visayas in the total number of deaths registered by usual residence of deceased during the first quarter in 2021. There were 2,479 registered deaths in the province which translated to 18.0 percent to the total registered deaths of the region during the reference quarter. This translated to 28 deaths per day or one in every hour on the average (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Total Number of Registered Deaths in Central Visayas, by Province: First Quarter 2021.

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Vital Statistics

More deaths in January

The lowest registration for the quarter was in the month of February with 793 registered deaths while the highest is in the month of January with 868 registered deaths (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Total Number of Deaths in Negros Oriental, by Month:

First Quarter 2021.

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Vital Statistics

Dumaguete City had the most number of deaths

Dumaguete City with 315 deaths showed the highest registered deaths at 12.7 percent during the period. This was followed by the City of Bayawan (191 deaths) at 7.7 percent, City of Guihulngan (166 deaths) at 6.7 percent, City of Tanjay (159 deaths) at 6.4 deaths, and Bais City (148 deaths) at 6.0 deaths. Death registrations from these five areas comprised around 39.5 percent of the total deaths registered in the province during the reference period. San Jose registered the fewest deaths with 38 registrations during the quarter (Figure 7).

Figure 7. Number of Registered Deaths by Usual Residence of Deceased,

by Place of Occurence: First Quarter 2020 and 2021.

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Vital Statistics

Negros Oriental ranked second in Central Visayas in the number of marriages

Negros Oriental is placed second in Region VII in the total number of registered marriages in the first quarter of 2021. There were 1,834 registered marriages in the province which translated 23.4 percent of the total marriages registered in the region during the first quarter of 202. This translated to 20 marriages per day on the average in the province (Figure 8).

Figure 8. Total Number of Registered Marriages in Central Visayas,

by Province: First Quarter 2021.

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Vital Statistics

February had the lowest registration

Contrary to the popular idea that February was the love month, it was however the month with the lowest occurrence of marriages during the quarter with only 567 registrations (Figure 9).

Figure 9. Total Number of Marriages in Negros Oriental, by Month:

First Quarter 2021.

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Vital Statistics

Mabinay recorded the highest number of registered marriages

The municipality of Mabinay recorded the highest number of registered marriages (197 marriages) at 10.7 percent to the total marriages in Negros Oriental in the first quarter of 2021.  This was followed by City of Bayawan (141 marriages) at 7.7 percent, Dumaguete City (133 marriages) at 7.3 percent, Santa Catalina (127 marriages) at 6.9 percent, and City of Guihulngan (125 marriages) at 6.8 percent.  Marriage registrations from these five areas comprised around 39.4 percent of the total marriages registered in Negros Oriental during the reference period. The least number of marriages during the period was recorded in the municipality of Vallehermoso with only 23 registered marriages or 1.3 percent (Figure 10).

Figure 10. Number of Registered Marriages by Place of Occurrence:

First Quarter 2020 and 2021.

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Vital Statistics

The information presented in this special release were the registered births, marriages and deaths which occurred in the province from January to March 2021. The data presented were obtained from the Certificates of Live Birth (Municipal Form No. 102), Marriage Contract (Municipal Form No. 97), Certificate of Death (Municipal Form No. 103) and Certificate of Fetal Death (Municipal Form No. 103A) that were registered at the Office of the City/Municipal Civil Registrars all throughout the province and forwarded to the Philippine Statistics Authority.



Chief Statistical Specialist

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