Mandated to register every Filipino citizen to the Philippine Identification System (PhilSys), the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), the primary implementing agency, has kicked off the PhilSys registration of children, ages one (1) to four (4) years old. With this, PhilSys Registration Centers in Negros Oriental now caters children of these ages for PhilSys Registration and issuance of printable ePhilIDs.
Parents who are interested to register their sons and daughters must already be registered to PhilSys and holder of either PhilID or ePhilID. Also, an original copy of the child’s birth certificate must be presented to support the registration. Meanwhile, to parents who cannot accompany their children during registration should execute an authorization letter to an accompanying guardian to prove that the child’s registration has parental consent.
After registration, the child will receive a printable ePhilID which can be used during school enrollment, passport application, opening of bank account, and other transactions that requires a proof of identity and age. Thus, PSA encourages all parents to register their children to PhilSys.
For any inquiries and clarifications in relation to this announcement, you can contact PSA-Negros Oriental through this number, (035) 422-4372 or send us an email in this email address, . You can also check our official facebook pages, PSAPhilSysOfficial and PSANegrosOriental, for recent updates and advisories regarding PhilSys.
Chief Statistical Specialist