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This article features a story of hope and faithfulness through a personal experience of one of PSA Bohol’s employees.

“Minutes before 7:30 am on September 30, 2019. I rode my motorcycle along Las Salinas, Loay a coastal town going to my destination in Guindulman some 90 kilometers away east of Tagbilaran City. It is a route that I had done so many times over the past 20 or 18 years in the collection of prices,  distribution and collection of questionnaires, census operations, surveys  and so many others.

I was cruising at a speed of 60 kph to the max speed to 80 kph (which by the way is the fastest speed I can muster). My bike can reach up to a maximum speed of 125 kph. With the warmth of the sun in the morning and cool breeze of the sea, my trip was quite relaxing. There were plenty of buses, cars, motorcycles for it was Monday and most people report to work or go to school.

At a slight curve leading to a straight kilometre-long highway, my grip in the throttle was going deep and hard to increase my speed. Suddenly a jeepney from the opposite end stopped in the middle of the paved concrete road and a passenger at the backend rushed to cross the street to the other side. That was it! A big bang. I hit the person! I really knew I hit him and caused me to crash land on the concrete road. I quickly sank back into the darkness empty and void. The next thing I knew I was in the ambulance with a medical staff with me, I asked her what happened I could feel my body aching and blood oozing from my ears. It was an hour or two after I realized what went wrong and heavy tears rolled from my eyes. It was a feeling of pain and gratitude that I am Back and Alive.

The impact of the crash broke my ribs, my clavicle and my leg. I had suffered left face palsy as a result my speech is blurry and had difficulty in chewing and undergone surgery of my lungs. Regardless of everything I have been determined to come back physically, emotionally and spiritually. I will always be grateful to my family, friends and people at work, I really felt their love and concern. Especially to GOD which all creations bow under him for my new lease of life that I will be forever grateful.

I would like to borrow a comment from my friend a retired general in the PAF and a long time buddy in high school days here in Tagbilaran and college days in Cebu City. And I quote “SAFETY…is not the absence of DANGER, it is the presence of GOD. Unquote accidents do happen god allow it to happen. Sometimes it hurts, its hard, its costly in the hospital, imagine I’ve been in the hospital for 18 days. In the end its for the best and never give up trusting the almighty and his plan for you.”

The Restless Warrior Survived

“Minutes before 7:30 am on September 30, 2019. I rode my motorcycle along Las Salinas, Loay a coastal town going to my destination in Guindulman some 90 kilometers away east of Tagbilaran City. It…