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The Regional Development Council (RDC) of Region 7, is the highest policy-making body in the region and serves as the counterpart of the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) Board at the subnational level. It is also the primary institution that coordinates and sets the direction of all economic and social development efforts in the region. It serves as a forum where local efforts can be related and integrated with national development initiatives. In order for the RDC to fully implement its objectives, it is organized into major committees namely: Executive Committee (ExeCom), the four Sectoral Committees (Social Development, Economic Development, Infrastructure Development, and Development Administration), and an Advisory Committee. Each of the committee has its own functions as to its description and coverage.

The Social Development Committee covers health, nutrition, sanitation and family planning; education and human resource development; population, social welfare; and housing and resettlement. With the huge coverage of the committee it created several sub-committees and technical working groups that will assist them in the planning, implementation and evaluation of the different programs that benefits the region and the nation as a whole.

One of the sub-committees created by the Social Development Committee is the Sub-Committee on Migration and Development (SCMD) chaired by the Regional Director of the Department of Labor and Employment – 7 (DOLE-7) Atty. Johnson G. Cañete together with RD Efren B. Carreon of NEDA 7 as its vice-chair with the following regional offices of the different National Government Agencies (NGAs) and Local Government Units (LGUs) as its members:  Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD); Department of Interior and Local Government  (DILG); Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA); Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA); Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA); National Reintegration Center for OFWs (NRCO); Commission on Filipinos Overseas (CFO); the different Provincial and City Planning Development Offices of Bohol, Cebu, Negros Oriental, Siquijor, Cebu City, Mandaue City, and Lapu-lapu City.

The Sub-Committee had its organizational meeting last 29 January 2019 held at the NEDA 7 Conference Hall from 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM. PSA 7 attended and presented during the meeting of the sub-committee on the result of the 2010 CPH on Migration, October 2017 Survey on Overseas Filipinos, and the objectives of the National Migration Survey. PSA 7 representatives also emphasized PSA Board Resolution No. 8 Series of 2017, Approving and Adopting the Official Concepts and Definitions on Internal and International Migration for Statistical Purposes, wherein it lays down the standard concepts and definitions for statistical purposes that would allow comparability of statistics across national and international boundaries. The formulation of these concepts and definitions for statistical purposes are based on the following criteria: (1) the proposed term or concept is basically statistical in nature or referring to a statistical indicator; (2) it is used operationally in major censuses, surveys and/or administrative records; (3) it comes out in the Philippine Statistical System (PSS) publications; (4) it is based on the United Nations (UN) and/or international standard concepts and definitions, but adapted to suit domestic/local conditions and requirements; and (5) it is taken from legal sources such as existing Philippine laws and statutes. That the said PSA Resolution was a product after a series of meetings of the Interagency Committee on Migration Statistics (IACMS) who recommended to the PSA Board for its approval. The resolution also states that the concepts and definitions on migration should be adopted by the PSS, and in particular by the PSA, NEDA, DFA, CFO, Bureau of Immigration, POEA, and other concerned government agencies as well as the academe.

Statistical Specialist II Joseph Jim D. Abadingo and Statistical Analyst Juliet D. Lumbo-an were the representatives of PSA 7.


Regional Director

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PSA 7 joins Sub-committee Meeting on Migration and Development

The Regional Development Council (RDC) of Region 7, is the highest policy-making body in the region and serves as the counterpart of the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) Board at…