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The Philippine Statistics Authority is currently conducting the 2018 Family Income and Expenditure Survey (FIES) 2nd Visit together with the quarterly Labor Force Survey (LFS) nationwide. The objective of this undertaking is to gather data on family income, sources of income, family expenditure and related information affecting family income and expenditure levels and patterns in the Philippines. It determines the income distribution, levels of living and spending patterns and the degree of inequality among families. It will also provide benchmark information to update the weights used in the estimation of Consumer Price Index (CPI); and to provide inputs in the estimation of the country’s poverty threshold and incidence. The FIES survey is a rider to the Labor Force Survey which generates quarterly the Employment, Unemployment and Underemployment rates in the country and all regions.

In this regard, the PSA is enjoining all sample households to cooperate on this undertaking by by accommodating the PSA Statistical Researchers who visited their household to conduct the interview. The PSA assures the respondents and the general public that all information gathered from statistical interviews will be kept strictly confidential and will not be used for purposes of taxation, investigation or regulation as provided for under Section 26 of the Republic Act 10625 otherwise known as the “Philippine Statistical Act of 2013.” However, the PSA, under Section 27 of the said law can penalize uncooperative respondent that refuses to be interviewed, or give false and/or untruthful answer. The information collected will be used for statistical purposes as basis for government planners and decision-makers.


Regional Director

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PDF 2019-PR07-002.pdf 1.1 MB

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