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The Philippine Statistical Research and Training Institute (PSRTI) in partnership with Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) and the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) conducted a seminar on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) at Azia Suites and Residences, Cebu City last 19 July 2018. The objectives of the seminar were to introduce the background of SDG, review of the basic concepts of statistics, conduct data assessment of the SDG Indicators by accomplishing the SDG Assessment Matrix based on the local level monitoring and to identify which indicators are currently being monitored and how these indicators were used as well as its intended uses. The participants of the seminar were the Planning officers and their representatives from the different provincial, city and municipal planning and development offices of Region VII. Some personnel of NEDA 7, DILG 7 and PSA 7 were also present.

Ms. Maria Praxedes R. Peña, Chief Statistical Specialist of PSRTI Training Division, welcomed the participants and gave a short background of PSRTI and its mandate. Ms. Charity Agbayani of the Bureau of Local Government Development conveyed the message of their head for the seminar.  Ms. Bernadette Balamban of PSA Central Office introduced the overview of the SDG. Ms. Balamban informed that there are 17 SDGs, 169 targets and 232 indicators. The SDG has a wider scope as compared to the Millennium Goals because it does not only focus on the social aspect but encompasses economic growth, social inclusion and environmental protection. In fact, the battle cry of SDG is “No one should be left behind, and no human right ignored”. It embarks on a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity. It also seeks to strengthen universal peace in larger freedom and collaborative partnership among all countries and stakeholders to implement this plan.

The Assistant National Statistician for Social Sector Statistics Service of PSA, Ms. Wilma A. Guillen, discussed the Data Ecosystem on the localization of SDG in the Philippine setting. The country is committed to monitor the achievements in the 17 SDGs and its 169 targets based on the indicator framework which includes the 232 initial list of global indicators, that will serve as the core of all other set of indicators. She said that alignment of the SDGs to the National Government’s priority development agenda, as embodied in the Philippine Development Plan (PDP), is important for a strong political support, for funding allocation, and for an inclusive data generation. The PDP integrates the present long-term vision of the Filipinos or the Filipino Family, for a strongly rooted, comfortable and secure life for all as depicted in the AmBisyon Nation 2040. According to ANS Guillen, PSA is the lead agency in compiling and monitoring the SDG Indicators (SDGIs). For the PSA to carry out its central role in the SDGIs monitoring, there is an established PSA SDG Team with focal point for specific goals to facilitate coordination of monitoring activities and other SDG-related activities. She emphasized that the collaboration of all government agencies and the private sector is very important to achieve these endeavors. In fact, many of the indicators identified were available from other agencies and the Local Government Units.

In the afternoon session, Dr. Josefina V. Almeda, Executive Director III of PSRTI, discussed the basic concepts of Statistics. This is to review the participants of the concepts of statistics that can be used in monitoring the SDGs. She started the discussion by a statement she borrowed from Alexis de Tocqueville that said “When statistics are not based on strictly accurate calculations, they mislead instead of guide.” This is the reason why she stressed out that every data collector should understand the importance of accurate statistics generated from different sources. In her discussions, she pointed out some summary measures used in computing SDG Indicators such as average, proportions, rates, ratios, and percentages. She also gave examples of specific and actual statistics to aide understanding of the concepts. Her discussion ended with a powerful message by borrowing a statement from W. Edwards Deming and Peter Drucker that said “You can’t manage what you can’t measure.”

During the workshop proper, the participating LGUs, NEDA 7 and DILG 7 were tasked to conduct data assessment of the SDG Indicators by accomplishing the SDG Assessment Matrix based on the local level monitoring and identify which indicators are currently being monitored and how these indicators were used as well as to its intended uses. Mr. Joseph Albert Niño Bulan of PSA Central Office explained the mechanics and objective of the workshop. He facilitated the workshop together with Ms. Mechelle M. Viernes. The outputs of the workshop were consolidated and will be sent to RSSO VII and to the provincial offices of PSA within the region for monitoring and coordination.

An open forum followed the workshop. Some concerns were raised including the harmonization of data in the local levels. The organizer addressed the concerns of the participants and noted some points in order to get a better, reliable and timely data. ANS Guillen also answered some of the pressing issues in the materialization of SDG monitoring.

The seminar ended by a closing remarks delivered by the Regional Director of PSA RSSO VII, Engr. Ariel E. Florendo. In his concluding remarks, he thanked all the participants for their active participation. He also expressed his heartfelt gratitude to PSRTI headed by its Executive Director, Dr. Josefina V. Almeda, and the PSA Central Office headed by ANS Wilma A. Guillen for holding the seminar. Engr. Florendo hoped that this kind of seminar would not be the first and the last seminar to be conducted. He was also hopeful that there would be more seminars related to SDG to fully institutionalized its objectives and purposes.


Regional Director

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