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Over 87 thousand Siquijodnons completed the Step 2 Registration process for the National ID which involves capturing biometric information such as iris scan, fingerprints, and front-facing photograph. This is around 84.47 percent of the 103,395 population of Siquijor Province based on the 2020 Census of Population and Housing (CPH) result.

The Philippine Statistics Authority, Siquijor Provincial Statistical Office (PSA Siquijor-PSO), has partnered with local and national agencies, private and public schools, private institutions, and cooperatives, with the continued support from the Local Government Units (LGUs) and as part of the collaborative effort, the PhilSys Registration Team (PRT) was able to facilitate the Step 2 Registration or the verification of demographic data and collection of biometric data from the target population.

The Municipality of Siquijor recorded the highest number of registrants (25,602) among the six (6) municipalities in the Province of Siquijor who completed Step 2 Registration (biometric capture), followed by Lazi (18,889), San Juan (13,702), Maria (11,925), Larena (11,522), and then Enrique Villanueva (5,707).

PSA Siquijor-PSO had issued 61,956 printed ePhilIDs in the Province of Siquijor as of 07 May 2023. These had been claimed by 70.93 percent of Siquijodnons who successfully registered to Step 2 Registration.
Of the 61,956 issued ePhilIDs, 17,615 ePhilDs were successfully issued under Mode 1 and 44,341 were delivered by the PhilSys Registration Team (PRT) under Mode 2 in the province. 
In Mode 1, registered persons already issued a PhilSys Number (PSN) claimed their ePhilID by logging in at the ePhilID Appointment System at to set an appointment to claim their ePhilID at PhilSys registration centers.  While in Mode 2, the PhilSys personnel have been authorized to print and distribute ePhilIDs to registered persons.
PSA Siquijor continues to conduct mobile registration with the goal of bringing PhilSys closer to the most vulnerable groups, such as the underprivileged, those who reside in geographically remote and underserved areas, indigenous people, and persons with disabilities (PWDs), to provide them with a legitimate form of identification that can be both physically and digitally verified.
As per the report from Landbank Siquijor Branch, 7,642 people had opened LBP savings accounts as a result of a successful registration during Step 2 Registration (biometric capture) and as part of PSA’s colocation strategy to promote its financial inclusion.
For the latest information on PhilSys, visit the official PhilSys website or Facebook page Should you have queries or concerns regarding PhilSys, you may also reach Siquijor Provincial Statistical Office via landline at (035) 542-5239 and (035) 542-5371 or phone number 09178099972 and email address
With the continued partnership of the Philippine Postal Corporation (PHLPost), the official courier of the National ID, a total of 16,047 PhilID cards had been successfully delivered as of 30 April 2023. PHLPost delivers the PhilID for free to the registered address provided by the registrant.
Technical Notes
Republic Act No. 11055, otherwise known as the Philippine Identification System Act, aims to establish a single national identification system for all citizens and resident aliens of the Republic of the Philippines. This was signed into law on August 2018 by President Rodrigo Roa Duterte. This I.D. shall serve as a valid proof of identity as a means of simplifying public and private transactions and shall be an economic and social platform that promotes seamless social delivery for both public and private services. 
The PhilSys project emphasizes inclusive coverage, enabling access to the most vulnerable groups such as the poor people living in geographically isolated and disadvantage areas, indigenous peoples, and persons with disabilities. Specifically, it aims to (1) make services more accessible, (2) promote ease of doing business, (3) enhance the integrity of services and reduce fraud, (4) enable and promote participation and trust in digital government and the digital economy, and (5) empower Filipinos with greater control over their personal data.
Concept/s and Definition:
Mobile Registration Center – is a transportable registration center set up inside or outside the premises of PSA or other partner agencies to conduct registration services for a temporary period of time less than twelve (12) months
Personal Information – refers to any information whether recorded in a material form or not, from which the identity of an individual is apparent or can be reasonably and directly ascertained by the entity holding the information, or when put together with other information would directly and certainly identify an individual  
Partner Agency – a government agency that is mandated by RA 11055 to act as a registration center for PhilSys and other institutions designated by PSA
Pre-registration – refers to the process where the applicant fills out the PhilSys Registration Form through the PhilSys web portal and selects his/her preferred registration date and PhilSys Registration Center through appointment system. This process shall generate the accomplished PhilSys Registration Form with a transaction number and barcode which must be printed and presented to the screener together with his/her supporting documents to continue with the registration process   
Registration Center – refers to the necessary facilities to capture both demographic and biometric information, required for PhilSys as provided in Section 8 (A) of the IRR. PhilSys related services such as data updates and changes, credential distribution and grievance redressal shall also be made available
Resident Alien – refers to an individual who is not a citizen of the Philippines but has the appropriate immigrant visa or established residence in the Philippines for an aggregate period of more than one hundred eighty (180) days 
Step 1 Registration – involves the collection of demographic data such as name, permanent address, date and place of birth, and blood type of the target registrant and set schedule of appointment for the Step 2 Registration
Step 2 Registration – involves the validation of demographic data and capture of biometric information such as iris scan, fingerprints, and front-facing photograph of target registrants
Step 3 Registration - involves the issuance of PhilSys Numbers (PSNs) and physical IDs to the registrants


(Supervising Statistical Specialist)

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