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In 2019, the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) embarks on the integrated census map updating activity for use in the 2020 Census of Population and Housing (2020 CPH). This undertaking primarily involves with the digital processing of geographical and census information collected during the conduct of previous major mapping operations and past census activities. Eventually, the ultimate goal of this activity is the creation of enumeration area (EA) maps and the finalization of Enumeration Area Reference File (EARF) for its use in the 2020 CPH.

Specifically, the said activity comprised of four (4) main processes with specific objectives in every stage: 1) Processing of Geo-tagged Building Points of which it aims to: a) ensure all geo-tagged points are located within their respective building structure; b) to modify the attribute tables of the corresponding geo-tagged points; and c) to come up with merged city/municipality geo-tagged building points. This will then passed to the next process which is the: 2) Updating of layers for barangay boundaries and road networks for Selected Areas, under this second major process it aims: a) to come up with updated layers and shapefiles of barangay boundaries, river and road networks for areas subject for EA delineation and merging; and b) to update existing barangay boundary, river and road network layer shapefiles. Then the selected EAs will then be field verified by the respective Map Data Verifiers per province. Right after the said verfication the third major process will come in: 3) Processing of Field-validated Layers and Boundaries which has two objectives: a) to come up with correct layers and boundaries of areas, particularly those areas subject for EA delineation; and b) to update field-validated layer shapefiles. Lastly, the fourth major process is: 4) Delineation and Merging of Enumeration Areas with the following specific objectives: a) to delineate areas with more than 300 households into discernible EAs using the criteria set for the EA delineation activity; b) to merge areas with less than 100 households based on the 2015 Popcen Projection of households using the criteria set for the merging of EAs; c) to come up with reliable and accurate EA maps for use in the 2020 CPH; d) to create Enumeration Area Reference File (EARF) for use in the 2020 CPH; and e) to update existing barangay/EA shapefiles.

The inputs of these stages are taken from the outputs of the following: previous and on-going mapping operations and from the results of past validation of Secondary Sampling Units (SSUs), 2017-2019 Geo-tagging of Building Structures, and the 2015 Census of Population (POPCEN 2015). This undertaking is also utilizing available resources obtained from the different Local Government Units (LGUs) and National Government Agencies (NGAs) such as the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), and others. Also, legal documents that serve as bases in the creation of political units and shapefiles of GIS-based maps are also used as references in creation of final EA shapefiles. The 2019 Integrated Census Map Updating activity primarily covers all barangay/EAs that are candidates for delineation and merging activities. These areas include those barangays and EAs covered in the geo-tagging activities during the period 2017-2019.

The important thrust of the integrated map updating activity is to come up with accurate and reliable enumeration area (EA) maps and the final EARF for use during the planning and conduct of the 2020 CPH field enumeration and its subsequent activities. It will also serve as input to other activities of the different units of PSA beyond the 2020 CPH operation, such as agricultural and establishment-based surveys, remote sensing activities, environment-related activites, and others.

In Region 7, the Second Level Training was conducted last 8 – 20 July 2019 at One Central Hotel located along Sanciangko St., Cebu City. It was a twelve (12) day training with the goal of cascading the information and learning of the trainers to the participants in conducting the 2019 Integrated Census Map Updating efficiently and effectively. Present during the training are the Regional/Provincial Focal Persons of every province together with their Assistant Focal Persons, Hired Personnel of the 2019 Integrated Census Map Updating activity, Chief Statistical Specialists of the regional and provincial offices, and the Regional Director. It was also graced by two (2) Central Office personnel of the PSA particularly from the Census Planning and Coordination Division (CPCD) they were: Assistant Statistician Edito Grande and Senior Statistical Specialist Gerardo Taguibolos. Wherein both shared their expertise and experiences on how to effectively implement the activity. The participants were welcomed by Chief Statistical Specialist Leopoldo P. Alfanta, Jr. wherein he also shared and emphasized with the participants the importance of the mapping activity recalling his own personal experience as a hired cartographer the late 90’s. He also imparted with the participants the drive and thrust of the PSA to modernize and innovate the different activities of the PSA particularly on mapping, that from the old method of using paper and pen or pencil and now using the modern technology in doing enumeration area maps. By ending, he urged the participants to focus on their responsibilities and functions for the success of the 2019 Integrated Census Map Updating activity.

The training was divided into three (3) modules: Module 1: Introduction; Module 2: Processing and Module 3: Administrative Matters. The first three days of the training tackles on the first module which is the introduction, it discusses the roles of the different key personnel in the conduct of the mapping activity from the National Statistician down to the Hired Processors and Data Verifiers on every provincial office nationwide. It also instructs the personnel on the communication protocol of the operation as well as the objectives and importance of the 2019 Integrated Census Map Updating. It also covers the Concept and Definitions; Software and Hardware Requirements of the Operation; PSA GIS Structure; and the Processing of Geo-tagged Building Points; On the fourth to the ninth day of the training, it focused on the second module of the training manual which is the Processing Phase. The six-day schedule tackles on the Delineation and Merging of Enumeration Areas (EAs); Pre-Processing; and Post-Processing. The last three days of the training discussed on the portion of Module 2 and the whole of Module 3. Portion of Module 2 covers on the Guidelines of Field Validation and the whole of Module 3 which covers: Reporting and Submission; Map Processing Quality Assurance and Financial Matters.                                                                             

With the introduction of the latest innovations in technology, the current integrated census map updating activity of the PSA is also gradually adapting to the impact of these technological trends. At present, the PSA is utilizing Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tools in implementing census mapping plans and programs. Just recently PSA acquired three (3) drones as part of its grand vision to modernize the creation and production of census enumeration area maps. Although the application of these technology is still on the exploratory stage, the office sees a wider range of application of these tools, not only during the conduct of censuses but also in the conduct of various statistical surveys. PSA is also hoping with the availability of another technology on remote sensing in the future conduct of various statistical undertakings, and be able to produce better-quality enumeration maps in order to produce quality and reliable statistical data.


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