Refresher Training on “Basic Civil Registration and Proper Filling-Out of Civil Registry Forms”, particularly in the Certificate of Live Birth (COLB) and Certificate of Death (COD) was scheduled to enliven the knowledge earned quite sometime. That was a one-day training slated on 26 May 2022 at GAD Building, Poblacion, Siquijor, Siquijor with the target participants: PSA, Siquijor personnel, LCRO clerks of the different municipalities, RHU staff who were incharge in preparing the civil registry documents while the undersigned acted as the Lecturer.
The training was primarily aimed at capacitating personnel who are in front line service and who are involved in the preparation and filling out of civil registry documents. The importance of the civil registry documents and the veracity of information entered in the said document which is also equally important were elaborated. It was also emphasized that erasures contained in the documents may be construed as alterations and that it was encouraged that the said documents should be duly and neatly prepared.
Meanwhile, the participants were provided with information on the salient features of civil registration, be able for them to be equipped with the necessary information. Topics centered in the proper filling out of civil registry forms particularly the Certificate of Live Birth (COLB) and Certificate of Death (COD). Through this training, they were being refreshed and some aspects were clarified. Also discussed and elaborated were on specific data to be entered in the “Occupation” column both in the COLB and COD and “Interval between onset and death” for COD. It was further encouraged that causes of death- Columns 19a and 19b should be properly filled out with corresponding time intervals.
It is believed that trainings of this kind forms part of the continuing education particularly in the field of Civil Registration. This was a good venue to share and discuss the actual experiences: be it at the institution or hospital, in the Rural Health Units, at the Local Civil Registry Offices and even at the provincial office of PSA, Siquijor.
Concerns were properly addressed, everyone is attentive and expressed their gratitude during the giving of impression.