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In continuation of the Geotagging of Building Structures activity, PSA started to conduct the 2018 round this April. Prior to the field operation, the six hired Map Data Collectors (MDC) were trained during the 3rd Level Training at Panda Tea Garden Suites, Tagbilaran City, Bohol on March 12-16, 2018. The trainers were SS II Joseph Jim D. Abadingo of RSSO, Provincial Focal Person Venus P. Gloria and Map Data Screener (MDS) Maria Eden L. Macalos. Application of the concepts learned during the first three days was done during the field practice. Presentation of outputs were as well undertaken after the simulation activity.

For this round, the total workload for Bohol comprised of a total of 360 EAs. Based on the estimated number of buildings, it would take five months, that is, from April to August, for the data collection to be completed. This requires the MDCs an output of at least 150 buildings per day.

Two weeks after the training, April 2, 2018, the field work began. This gave enough time for the MDS to prepare project files to be downloaded to the tablets of the MDCs. Just like the previous round, the MDCs covered Tagbilaran City first. It took them more than a month to completely cover the capital city.

Evaluation and assessment of the first month of operation showed that it is difficult to reach the quota of 150 buildings per day. On the average, they can only tag 80 to 100 buildings per day depending on the proximity of the buildings, the weather, and the availability of the building occupants upon the time of visit.

As of this writing, the geotagging is still halfway through. With the deadline moved to October 31, it is still quite uncertain for the operation to be accomplished ahead of time given that there are barely two months left. 


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